It’s no secret I love all things skincare, especially natural skincare.
But why? What’s the point of it all?
Consider this… the average woman applies almost 200 chemicals and synthetics on her skin each day through cosmetics, perfume, skin care products and hair care products. Even more importantly, these can build up in your body and contribute to your toxic load. Not all of these chemicals will be harmful, but yes, some will be.
Ask yourself, is it worth potentially harming your health with synthetic ingredients when you could just as easily be using something natural? For me, it’s always worth going natural.
Some synthetic skincare ingredients can often be harsh on the skin, increasing sensitivity, causing redness, irritating pimples and acne and even worsening skin conditions like eczema. If that's not bad enough, others can mimic the effect of estrogen on the body with links to cancerous tumours and reproductive toxicity. (This is what really did it for me!)
Aside from our own health, what about the health of our planet?
Aside from our own health, what about the health of our planet?
The less natural these ingredients are, the more harm we can do to our environment as they go down the drain into our water ways and soils as we shower or bathe. Harming our animals, birds and sea life with devastating effects.
Before synthetic ingredients were invented, people had been using natural products to take care of their skin for thousands of years. Now we’re coming full circle, with more and more people choosing to use only pure products on their skin. Another reason to take note from the Ancient Mediterraneans ;-)
What I love about natural ingredients is that most of them contain nourishing antioxidant ingredients that our skin loves, rather than chemicals that can potentially cause irritation and free radicals that can further age our skin. They feel better, they smell better and we can rest easy knowing we have made the purest choice. In the long run we all reap the benefits of using natural skincare!

Natural based skincare products are made up of beautiful ingredients such as oils, plants, fruit extracts and fruit acids. Many ingredients in clean skincare do not need to be combined with synthetics, they were provided by mother nature to do just what we need – keep us looking hydrated, youthful and fresh.
The good news is that natural skincare product manufacturers are also against animal testing, unlike many of the larger brands. If you’re against animal testing and for the humane treatment of animals, natural skincare products (again) are the best way to go.
If you would like to read about the ingredients I choose to avoid, check out this blog here.