Five reasons you need to exfoliate

Anne Marshall 1 comment

Exfoliating is a crucial step towards healthy, glowing skin. Yet so many people miss this step...Don't let it be you! Here is a list of five reasons why we should all exfoliate at least once...

Phenoxyethanol... what is the big deal?

Anne Marshall

You might be wondering what the big deal surrounding phenoxyethanol is in the skincare industry. Well, to lay down the facts, phenoxyethanol is a preservative that often sneaks its way into ‘all-natural’ skincare (even though...

5 ways you can be happier

Anne Marshall

Doing what makes you feel happy and defining happiness will differ from person to person. Natural skincare, to me, is the perfect way to look after myself and feel happy within each day. But alas - I...

Put a spring in your step with all natural foot care!

Anne Marshall

Have you noticed that your once smooth and beautiful-looking feet are now feeling like they need a little TLC (especially after winter)? You’re definitely not the only one!This spring, I’m recommending two of our best...

Winter Skincare Tips

Anne Marshall

Winter has arrived.The air is getting drier and the wind is getting colder.Here are my top tips to look after your skin this winter:Keep it simple. For me - the cold is generally much less...

Why choose natural skincare?

Anne Marshall

  It’s no secret I love all things skincare, especially natural skincare. But why? What’s the point of it all?   Consider this… the average woman applies almost 200 chemicals and synthetics on her skin...